LAN Airlines Surprise Giveaway @ Bocanova

South America’s premiere airline, LAN, can be the first to tell you how rich their destinations Chile, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, and more, are in not-to-miss sights and enticing cuisines. A taste of that can be had at Oakland eatery Bocanova with Chef Rick Hackett‘s South American-inspired dishes. Little did one group of recent guests know that their dinner would just be a little preview of the exotic cultural experience to come. As the only airline offering nonstop flights between San Francisco and South America, LAN participates in the “Only In South America” campaign by whisking away Bay Area travelers and food lovers to exotic South American scenes. For the second year, LAN generously supported the long-running campaign’s efforts to promote leisure travel to the region by surprising over 200 unsuspecting patrons with gifted tickets to their numerous South American destinations. SnapFiesta was on site to see all the dazzled and delighted faces of the winners, including our very own photo booth operator, and our cameras caught all the smiles and celebration.

Check out this video we found on Youtube:

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